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Jurnal ENTHALPY memuat artikel hasil penelitian tugas akhir mahasiswa di lingkup Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo Entalpy Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin diterbitkan 4 (empat) kali setahun pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus dan Nov.

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Analisis Pengaruh Fouling dan Slagging Terhadap Kinerja Boiler Subcritical pada PLTU Moramo


Sudia, Budiman


Sisworo, Raden Rinova
ENTHALPY Vol 6, No two (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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Boilers that use low-quality coal effect in an increment in the amount of coal called-for and the high germination of accumulated ash deposits (fouling  and salgging). It is necessary to conduct research  the effect of  fouling and slagging on banality efficiency in steam power plant Moramo for the boiler operation improvement purpose. The objective of this research are identified fouling and slagging and how its affect boiler performance.  By using the principle of mass and energy rest, heat transfer in the evaporator and superheater areas are used as the footing for identifying slagging and fouling. Boiler efficiency is calculated by a direct method. An increment in flue gas temperature which is affected by a degradation in the charge per unit of heat transfer indicates the formation of slagging and fouling. Boiler efficiency is related to the slagging index and sodium content in the ash of coal, the result of higher slagging alphabetize and lower the sodium content will farther increase boiler efficiency. The best average efficiency of boiler is 89.853% when coal from supplier Y used every bit fuel with slagging index value is 2370.2 and sodium content in ash is 0.48%..Keyword: Fouling, slagging, estrus transfer, efficiency, boiler

Pengaruh Kemiringan Kolektor Menggunakan Adsorben Arang Aktif Terhadap Efisiensi Kolektor Surya Pada Proses Adsorpsi Mesin Pendingin Amelia, Septiyan Nur


Sudarsono, Sudarsono


Hasbi, Muhammad
ENTHALPY Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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Indonesia has arable sources of solar energy with an average solar radiation intensity of about 4.8 kWh/m2 per day throughout Indonesia considering it is located at the equator 6°Due north to 11°North and 9°E-141°E. That way the dominicus'due south energy that is not used up can exist utilized. The purpose of this study is to make up one's mind the heat used by the collector for the desorption procedure and to make up one's mind the result of variations in the angle of inclination of the collector on the efficiency of the collector. That fashion, one of them tin can exist used for the water cooling process using a solar collector device on a solar estrus adsorption cycle cooling machine The purpose of this written report was to determine the rut used by the collector for the desorption process and to determine the effect of variations in the collector tilt angle on the efficiency of the collector. This research was conducted by varying the slope of the cooling motorcar collector with an adsorption cycle using solar free energy. The examination results show that the boilerplate theoretical useful oestrus at the collector (Qu) obtained by the 0° angle collector is 236,079 Watt, the 15° angle collector (from 08.00 â€" 15.30) is 131.683 Watt, and the 30° bending collector (from 08.00 â€" 16.00) is 179.638 Watt. on each test 24-hour interval. The boilerplate efficiency (η) from 08.00 â€" 15.30 (optimal measurement) obtained past the 0° bending collector is 51.296%, the 15° collector angle is 47.1%, and for the 30° angle collector the average efficiency is from 08.00 â€" xvi.00 (optimal measurement) of 52.836%.Keywords: collector, adsorption, temperature.

Analisa Getaran Pada Balok Jepit Bebas dan Jepit-Jepit dengan Variasi Posisi Motor Penggetar Faisal, Muhammad


Endriatno, Nanang


Sudia, Budiman
ENTHALPY Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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This study aims to determine the difference in vibration produced when the position of the vibration source is placed in a different position on the cantilever beam which is supported by fixed-stock-still and free-fixed supports. This enquiry used 6061 series aluminum beam with a size of 32 mm x 32 mm x 600 mm. Variations the placement of the exciter of fixed-fixed beams was in the fifteen cm, thirty cm, and 45 cm positions, while the fixed-gratis beams was in the ten cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, and 50 cm positions. The results of the research on fixed-fixed beams showed that the maximum displacement value was at a position of 30 cm with a value of 0.097 mm, the minimum deportation at 45 cm with a value of 0.04 mm. The maximum velocity value was at a position of 15 cm with a value of 0.653 cm/south, the minimum velocity was at a position of 45 cm with a value of 0.397 cm/s. The maximum acceleration value was at a position of xv cm with a value of 12.16 yard/s², the minimum acceleration was at a position of 45 cm with a value of 8.33 g/s². While the fixed-free beam showed that the maximum deportation value was at a position of l cm with a value of 0.197 mm, the minimum displacement at a position of 10 cm with a value of 0.097 mm. The maximum velocity value was at a position of 30 cm with a value of 1.138 cm/s, the minimum velocity at a position of 10 cm with a value of 0.670 cm/s. The maximum acceleration value was at a position of 30 cm with a value of 21,833 thousand/s², the minimum acceleration was at a position of x cm with a value of 9.95 m/s².Keywords: vibration, deportation, velocity, acceleration, aluminum

Analisa Pengaruh Kuat Arus Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Bending Sambungan Las Kampuh V Menggunakan Las SMAW Dengan Elektroda E6013 Pada Pengelasan Baja Karbon Rendah Ridwan, Ridwan


Kadir, Abd.


Aminur, Aminur
ENTHALPY Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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Potent current in welding is something that has e'er been a problem in the welding process. Loftier currents can cause penetration of the welded material, whereas low currents can crusade shallow penetration. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of current on the tensile and bending force of Five seam welded joints using SMAW welding with E6013 electrodes on low carbon steel welding. The research method used is to make a seam on a steel plate with an angle of lx degrees and so weld it with a unlike electric current. The current used is 70, 90, 110 amperes with an electrode diameter of two.6 mm. The samples that have been welded are so formed into tensile and bending examination specimens. The results showed that the highest boilerplate tensile stress was 518.310 MPa at a welding current of 110 amperes. The highest average tensile strain is 34.00% at a welding current of 70 amperes. The highest boilerplate elastic modulus is 0.01864 GPa at a welding electric current of 110 amperes. For bending testing at lxx amperes, the fb1 specimen has cracks in the weld metal area with a fissure length of 1.00 mm and the fb2 specimen has 0.50 mm cracks, while the ninety amperes fb1 specimen has 1.00 mm cracks, and fb2 specimens take 0.50mm crack. Current 110 amperes fb1 specimen has a crack of 4.70 mm, and fb2 specimen has a crack of three.00 mm. From the results of the study, a proficient welding current for a plate with a thickness of seven.v mm with an E6013 electrode with a diameter of 2.six mm is at a current of 90 amperes.

Analisis Pengaruh Arus Pengelasan Dan Jenis Elektroda Pada Struktur Mikro Material Baja Karbon Rendah Darsono, Darsono


Hasbi, Muhammad


Aksar, Prinob
ENTHALPY Vol 6, No ii (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the microstructure that occur in low carbon steel due to welding using the type of electrodes E6013 and E7016 with a diameter of with a electric current of 60-110. This inquiry was carried out past several processes, namely specimen making, testing process and data assay. In the specimen examination, the microstructure of medium carbon steel was observed in the base of operations metal region, the HAZ metal region, and the weld metal region. Microstructure testing was carried out to see the occurrence of changes in the microstructure of the specimen as a upshot of the welding process and the exam results obtained were in the form of microstructure images with 500x magnification. The results showed that the changes in the microstructure that occurred in the HAZ region. This is constitute in the type of electrode E6013 indicating the higher the current used, the finer the grain size of the resulting structure. Meanwhile, for the E7016 electrode, it is the opposite where the higher the current used, the coarser the grain size of the resulting structure. Keywords: HAZ area, microstructure, type of electrode

Rancang Bangun Bilah Taperless Jenis Horizontal Centrality Wind Turbin Untuk PLTB 500 Watt Dengan Airfoil NACA 6412 Menggunakan Software Qblade Usman, La Ode


Balaka, Ridway


Imran, Al Ichlas
ENTHALPY Vol half dozen, No 2 (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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Free energy demand in Republic of indonesia more often than not continues to increase due to population growth, 1 of the most widely used energies is current of air energy. The enquiry objectives are to determine the geometry of the blades, design and industry the blades suitable for employ in moderate winds and to determine the power generated. The research started from determining the geometry of the blades for medium speed wind, then making the blades and and then testing the blades. The geometry of the blades formed is tapertlles blades of the horizontal centrality wind turbine type NACA 6412 airfaoil using Qblade software. The blade is designed with a blade radius of 0.774 m, the chord is 0.0999 chiliad using mahogany wood material. The manufacturing method used is the manual method with the help of car tools. The blades are tested for equilibrium, then mounted on the tower, 10 meters high to take the data. The examination results bear witness that the blades that accept been fabricated work well and produce an boilerplate ability per 2nd of 58.29 Watt, 90.82 Watt, and 102.00 Watt, for three days of testing.Keywords: Tuperless blades, airfoil naca 6412, qblade, horizontal centrality air current turbines, mahogany wood.

Analisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Aluminium Foil Pada Dinding Mesin Penetas Telur Terhadap Daya Tetas Yang Dihasilkan Agusti, Tri


Gunawan, Yuspian


Sudia, Budiman
ENTHALPY Vol vi, No two (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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The hatching car is 1 of the media in the form of a box with such a construction that the heat inside is not wasted. This incubator is equipped with supporting equipment to regulate environmental conditions like to or similar to the broodstock. The purpose of this report is to determine the outcome of the use of a layer of aluminum foil on the walls of the egg incubator on the resulting hatchability. This research was conducted by installing an incubator, so testing it using an incubator. Information were collected past measuring room temperature, room humidity, lite on and off, and checking embryo evolution. The results showed that the egg incubator without aluminum foil layer began to hatch on the 20th twenty-four hours equally many as 3 eggs, and on the 21st day as many as 4 eggs and then that the eggs hatched were 7 out of 10 eggs and for the egg incubator with a layer aluminum foil hatched early on on the 19th day every bit many every bit two eggs, on the 20th day every bit many as 3 eggs and on the 21st day equally many equally 4 eggs so that the eggs hatched were 9 eggs out of ten eggs. The use of aluminum foil in the egg incubator affects the hatchability.Keywords: Egg incubator, aluminum foil coating, hatchability.

Unjuk Kerja Evaporator Pada Mesin Pendingin Dengan Siklus Adsorpsi Menggunakan Energi Surya Amusadar, Amusadar


Hasbi, Muhammad


Samhuddin, Samhuddin
ENTHALPY Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Enthalpy: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin

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Energy  needs  in  Indonesia  continue  to  increase  every  twelvemonth.  The  largest  use  of energy  is  in  the  industrial  sector,  where  its  needs  reach  42.12%  of  the  total national energy needs. To save energy, energy saving measures are needed in the industrial sector so that the increment in energy demand tin exist restrained. So we conducted  research  on  the  performance  of  the  evaporator  in  a  refrigeration machine  with  an  adsorption  cycle  using  solar  energy.  The  purpose  of  this  written report was  to  determine  the  working  process  of  the  evaporator  with  activated  carbon refrigeration  and  to  determine  the  efficiency  of  the  evaporator  in  the  activated carbon  pair  adsorption  refrigeration  system.  This  research  was  conducted  past observing and recording the evaporator temperature of the refrigeration machine every hour. The results of the inquiry in three days of testing, namely, on the beginning day the highest evaporator temperature increment was at 16.00 o'clock, which was 33.2 oC and the lowest evaporator temperature was at 07.00 o'clock, which was 25.1 oC. On the second twenty-four hour period, the highest increment in evaporator temperature was at sixteen.00,  which  was  32.2  oC  and  the  lowest  evaporator  temperature  was  at  07.00, which  was  23.8  oC.  On  the  third  day,  the  highest  increase  in  evaporator temperature was at 36.iv oC and the everyman evaporator temperature was at 06.00, which was 24.5 oC. Kata kunci: Adsorption, evaporator, temperature 

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