Gay Bar Comic Strip Funny Once You Join Us You Cant Leave

Queer comics aren't limited to a particular style of story, tone, or genre. There are as many different ways to tell queer stories through comics as there are queer people. Thanks to the magic of the internet and WEBTOON, you don't even have to take my word for it!

All 12 of these comics are available to read right now on Webtoon, either through the app – allowing for easy scrolling no matter where you might be – or on a computer monitor through the Webtoon website. The comics and app are free, so there's nothing stopping you from sampling any of these series right now! This is a non-exhaustive list of the LGBTQ titles available on Webtoon, so be sure and explore some of the other options available for yourself!

1. Mage & Demon Queen by Color_LES

Mage & Demon Queen is a comedic romance set in a fantasy realm governed by rules and tropes that will be familiar to players of tabletop and video game RPGs. Like many other adventurers, Malori the Mage is training to defeat every adversary in the Demon Queen's Tower and reach the top, where Queen Velverosa awaits any surviving challengers… but Mal's only goal is to make Queen Vel her wife!

This series also features AU stories about the characters by Melathia the Lamia, who ships the lead characters right alongside the reader, allowing irresistible fan service as well as a fascinating perspective on the role of fan fiction.

2. Always Human by Ari (walkingnorth)

Set in the future, many of those who inhabit the science-fiction world of Always Human have access to nanotechnology "mods" that allow them to upgrade their bodies and minds at will (provided they stay within government-regulated parameters). Over the course of a few months, Sunati has dramatically altered her appearance several times, but in the meantime, a woman she sometimes sees at the train station who never takes advantage of mods catches her attention.

After Sunati introduces herself to Austin, she learns that there's a reason that Austin doesn't take advantage of mods… and as they get to know each other better, they soon enter into a relationship. This series features a musical score for most of the episodes that add a sublime atmosphere to the already evocative art.

3. Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin

Castle Swimmer takes place in a beautifully realized and rendered underwater world where nearly every kingdom has a prophecy that concerns "the Beacon," the golden-scaled Kappa, who finds himself involuntarily pulled to the site when the prophecy activates.

While a prophecy dictates that Prince Siren of the Sharks will kill Kappa, the Prince finds himself dumbstruck by Kappa's beauty – and completely unable to execute him. Faced with mounting pressure from his mother, Queen Susca, Siren must act… but he can't bring himself to hurt Kappa! This fantasy features art that is by turns adorable and awe-inspiring – and often, both at the same time.

4. The Four of Them by Mai Hirschfeld

The Four of Them is a drama that follows high school student Johnny, who has always had a rivalry with his sister, Mica. While he's used to coming in second to his sister, he finds himself more frustrated than ever when she comes home to announce that she's dating Mariel, a classmate on whom Johnny has been an unrequited crush.

Aided by his best friend, Gaby, Johnny is determined to find a girlfriend for himself – but it isn't long before secrets and social dynamics complicate the situation.

5. Varsity Noir by Kate Glasheen & Alex Eckman-Lawn

As suggested by its title, Varsity Noir offers readers a gritty tale of urban mystery involving drugs, intrigue, and missing persons. After leaving addiction recovery, John attempts to re-integrate into high school – but he soon becomes concerned that his best friend, Brad, may have befallen a grim fate.

The cast includes a character named Terry who works at the LGBTQIA Outreach Center, which also serves as a setting for some scenes.

6. My Dictator Boyfriend by Guy & Teo

The satirical comedy My Dictator Boyfriend follows Immanuel the First, the 24-year-old who has just stepped up at the Dear Leader of Tauliga. As Immanuel attempts to fill the large shoes left by his father, he finds his attention being drawn to his new, handsome bodyguard in spite of the fact that Tauliga isn't exactly a gay-friendly environment.

As Maxwell Spinn, the "Secretary of Making People Love You" (read: propaganda), attempts to improve Immanuel's image among the Tauligians, the Dear Leader and his bodyguard, Jean Jacques De Jeneve, get to know each other better… and can romance be far behind?

7. Small World by Wonsun Jin

If you're looking for a slice-of-life comic that offers glimpses into a loving high school relationship, Small World follows Julien and Robin through the day-to-day events of their lives. Whether it's an intruding spider threatening Julien's peace of mind, or Robin becoming too jealous of girls fawning over his muscular boyfriend, Small World gives readers a chance to follow the smaller moments that define their relationship.

8. The Croaking by Megan Stevenson

The Croaking is set in a world of bird-people, where expectations for social roles are dictated by stereotypes based on species of birds. Ky Cedoc has just moved from the coast and is hoping to qualify as a member of the covert ops team, but because he's an Osprey, his classmates are skeptical that he can make the grade.

Making matters more complicated is his roommate, Scra Eldwode, a crow who seems determined to keep Ky at wing's length. So why is it that Ky can't stop thinking about his roommate?

9. Immortal Nerd by H-P Lehkonen

Set in the future, Immortal Nerd follows Nokia. When they turn 20, they are granted immortality – but now that they are going to live forever, how are they going to spend their time? They decide to travel to Earth, where they'll study to become a meme archeologist. The friends they make and the fantastic inventions of the future aid Nokia as they learn about life on Earth.

10. #Blessed by M. Victoria Robado

Dating can be a huge hassle, even in the age of dating apps! #Blessedfollows Joanna, a bisexual woman who has been unlucky in love. After seeing one-too-many romantic social media posts, she becomes determined to find that special someone for herself.

In an act of desperation, Joanna begins swiping right on everyone she can find in the app. But she soon finds herself matched with seven gods of various genders from various realms who are hoping she'll choose one of them as a lover.

11. Muted by Miranda Mundt

Muted is a fantasy set in a version of New Orleans where different families each possess their own magical traditions. On her 21st birthday, Camille is expected to complete her family's summoning ritual. So why is it that doing what she's supposed to do feels so wrong?

The art uses the scrolling Webtoon format to emphasize the story's swirling magical spells as Camille wrestles with her personal demons. Will she embrace her truth and accept the magic within or remain confined in the lie forced upon her by her family?

12. Heir's Game by Susanna "Suspu" Nousiainen

The Heir's Game is a competition that takes place over the course of 7 weeks, beginning on Theuden Davut's 25th birthday. The 256 contestants are issued "lucky numbers" and must duel the opponent who has drawn the matching number. The prize is to become Theuden's future bodyguard!

At the opening ceremony, Isran finds himself attacked before the crowd has dispersed – but he survives the assault and advances to the next round. But when he meets Theuden a few days after, the two men possess instant chemistry – will Isran end up being more than Theuden's bodyguard?

The Webtoon app is available to download for free on the App Store and on Google Play. You can also follow Webtoon on Twitter or subscribe on YouTube for updates.


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