How Do Tablets in School Affect Children Development

The impact of tablets in the classroom


Tablets for Schools is a charity that commissions the largest independent research programme in the world on how tablets impact learning and attainment. The latest report summarises findings from an evaluation study that is looking at the feasibility and educational impact of giving one-to-one Tablets to every child in school. Research for this stage was carried out between September 2012 and April 2013.

    The research included an evaluation of four secondary schools that had chosen to give pupils one-to-one tablets in September 2011, two schools that had introduced tablets in autumn 2012, and three schools that were given tablets by Tablets for Schools for Year 7s between 2012 and 2013. Methodology included qualitative and quantitative research. Results suggest that long-term use of the tablet has a profound effect on pedagogy, and that pupils benefit from having access to content both at school and at home.

The broader picture
Pupils appear to have greater engagement with learning, collaboration with peers increases, and teachers can monitor individual progress effectively. There are some concerns about pupil distraction and managing time effectively. It is clear that schools need time to adjust to the introduction of one-to-one devices, and that the functions of the tablet need to be understood by teachers, together with the changes to pedagogy that are brought about by an increase in independent learning.

Strong leadership helps this process. Infrastructure, insurance or self-insuring, and protection for the devices need to be considered before introduction takes place, and access to appropriate content is key to using the devices effectively. For schools considering the introduction of one-to-one tablets, learning from schools that have undergone this journey is highly beneficial.

The Benefits
Tablets enhanced pedagogy by enabling teachers to adapt their teaching style to suit the needs of individual students, and allowed for innovative ways to learn. This was particularly beneficial for special needs students.

    The devices also improved student, teacher and parent engagement with learning. In particular, parents engaged more with the school and with their child's education, as a teacher at Dixons City Academy noted: "Somehow that engagement [learning composition] was much more intense with the tablet, and they were much more motivated and engaged, and worked quicker. The task didn't feel like it was work.

In addition, tablets were found to foster both independent learning, and collaboration with teachers and other students.

What are the issues?
Infrastructure (including security) is a concern and one of the keys to successful implementation. Participants indicated E F the limits of their expertise, for example, schools are not experts in procurement so how can they compare the different costs of Wi-Fi?

    Finding reliable resources can be a challenge, particularly for maths. However, teachers continued to be creative in terms of both customising content, and creating new content for teaching purposes, including multimedia tutorials.

When it came to students' levels of distraction, observation sessions noted that students multi-tasked during lessons, for example with messaging apps. However, when asked what they did on their iPads during learning sessions, 95 per cent said they focused on work. The concept of 'distractibility' is unclear. For example, some students claimed music helped them concentrate, others were unable to multitask, and it was also found that a large number of the five per cent of students who were 'distracted' during lessons were actually 'also' doing work. However, the key is to have clear rules, effective classroom management, and educating students in using tablets responsibly.

    One of the key benefits for students was near-constant access to teachers. Teachers were comfortable setting their own boundaries around the resulting increased communication. One teacher pointed out that answering a student's email on Sunday afternoon could save significant amounts of time on Monday morning.

    Regarding training and preparation, there was a need for strong leadership, and the adoption of initiatives such as 'device champions' and 'parental consultation evenings' were identified as beneficial for implementation. Adequate preparation, such as training for both parents and teachers, was also essential.

Further information

How Do Tablets in School Affect Children Development


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